poniedziałek, 20 czerwca 2016

Opinia o polskim krafcie #1- rozmowa z Ratebeera

Dzisiaj coś trochę innego. Będzie o ratebeerze i o polskim krafcie.
Tytułem wstępu- natrafiłem na użytkownika z Anglii, który ma na koncie imponującą liczbę ponad 21100 recenzji na ratebeerze (tak, ponad dwadzieścia jeden tysięcy wypitych piw- szanuję, i dorzucę się na wątrobę)- który ostatnio recenzował dosyć trochę piw z Polski. Postanowiłem go zatem zapytać o kilka rzeczy odnoście polskiego kraftu.  Rozmowa była (jest) dłuższa, bardzo miła, potwierdziła użyteczność ratebeera, a ja, cóż, wrzucę tylko część z pytaniami i odpowiedziami odnoście jego spojrzenia na polski kraft. Bez żadnej edycji, jak również po angielsku, więc się nie przeraźcie. Ale być może niektórych z Was to zainteresuje.

Well, so first questions is about polish ratings on ratebeer. Many people, especially from Poland, think that people from Poland are overrating over own beers. Radek Kliber, ratebeer admin, said that in his opinion there’s tendency that Polish users gives higher notes to good beer, but even lower to bad beers, while users from western countries prefer to give ratings that are somewhere in the middle, not too high, no too low. Do you agree with that? And, did you drinked overrated or underrated polish beers? 

Second question is about beer itself- what was the best beer from Poland you had so far, and which breweries from Poland are standing out for you? 

And how you see polish craft beers in comparison to beers from other countries? 

I think Radek has a point, I did notice a slight tendency for ratings in one extreme or another. Often I would enter a rating and think - whew it wasn’t that good a beer or even more often - it really isn’t as bad as people are rating it. 

I think this is most noticeable when brewers stick their neck out and try something different. Pinta Oto Mata is nice example. Something fairly unique for me, even after all the beers I’ve tried. A beer that tastes a little different but still has a satisfying hop kick and yet people were giving that beer a good thrashing! Plenty of 2s. If a British brewer had produced that beer I think you would have seen a narrower range of rates. 

An example in the other direction was the Widawa Wild Black Kiss Bourbon BA. Sour dark beers are pretty uncommon and good ones are very rare and this one for me proves the rule, it was not very palatable but plenty of people were giving that 4s. 

This is just my opinion of course, and everybody is entitled to theirs. Just because I’ve been lucky enough to try 21K plus beers doesn’t mean my opinion is any more valid than someone who has tried a 100. One thing I would say my experience gives me, perspective. 

Best beers from Poland. Well I loved the Perun Lubelski beer, I love trying single hop beers and I was amazed at the flavours they got on this one, just wasn’t expecting a european hop to be like that, it tasted quite New Zealand in character. The Pulawski was very nice as well. Zakladowy Produkt Wzorcowy IPA was beautifully clean with lots of hop complexity and balance. That IPA could hold it’s head up in any bar in the world I believe. 

Standout brewers - I do like Doctor Brew. Love that they put out all these single hop beers as well as trying new stuff. It doesn’t always work - Anabelle was weird, but others like the Orange IPA I thought had a great intensity of fruit. 

The Polish brewing scene seems most vibrant to me and I was pretty surprised at both the number of brewers and diversity of the beers. I also love the bold use of hops and it’s great to see so many US hops being used whilst still paying respect to old world hops. 
The only thing that frustrates me about Polish brewing is that there is a tendency for IPAs and DIPAs to have a notable milky sweetness amid the malt and hops and I am really not sure why, but it seems to common to be co-incidence. I did wonder if it was the yeast, but plenty of these beers use US05 yeast and I don’t get that milky sweetness when brewers outside Poland use it. So it’s a little mystery to me. Certainly not every IPA and DIPA has it but it comes through quite often and I think detracts from the beer but by no means ruins it. If anyone else agrees and has an explanation I would be most interested to hear it.  

PS Mam nadzieję że użycie "quote" nie będzie zbyt zabójcze dla Waszych oczu.

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