czwartek, 3 listopada 2016

Monyo Brewing- Black Alligator

Ok, today second beer from Monyo Brewing, this time it's Black Alligator.
It's a Black Saison at 9% ABV, 17 Plato and 19,5IBU.

The first thing that worries me a little bit about this beer, is so much ABV from only 17 Plato. Ok, I know that saison yeasts are hungry mutherfuckers, but generally from what I know it's not technicly possible to get more alcohol than 1/2 of your starting Plato, unless some kind of freezing is involved. Altough in Poland you can have +/- 0,5% abv so if it applies also to Hungarian beers, it might have like 8,5%.

Nice label, as almost all of this from Monyo that I get.

Aroma from the bottle: very vineous, slightly smoky. A little bit of chocolate.

Again, big head, beige this time, but disapears quickly with loud hiss. Color of this beer is black in main part of glass, but in the small part on bottom you can easily see that it's brownish with a little bit of ruby. And it's a clear beer.

Aroma from the glass: very fruity, vineous, reminds me of belgian beers, but not about Saison, more like dubbel, quadrupel, belgian dark ales. Fruity esters, like peach. Chocolate biscuit. Some spices. Cherry notes, and maybe more Cherry wine than cherry fruit.
Smells good.

High sweetness, and first flavour that comes to me is raspberry. Dried, sour raspberry. You get a little bit of wine notes, caramel, little bit of cocoa and dark chocolate flavour.

Palate: First of all, it's alcoholy. Alcohol strongly warms my throat and stomach, but also burns on palate. Not too much, it's still drinkable.
Dry beer. With pretty light body. High saturation.

Overall: Okish beer. If I would have to quess, for sure I would say it's a dark belgian beer. I would not say it's a Saison, though. Esspecially with what Saison meant to be. It's not that refreshing, way too alcoholy, spices are only in aroma, no orange at sight, no farmhouse aroma. Not a Saison.
Beside that, nice aroma, very nice flavour of raspberry in this beer (I ve drinked some dark beers with raspberries recently, exactly thats the taste. But sour raspberry, not sweet raspberry juice).
The only downside it's a little bit too alcoholy, but you can expect that when you have 9%abv from 17 BLG on the label.
Pretty good beer. Better than I thought it can be.

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